e: thedogsbreakfast@gmail.com
p: (705)761.7297

Peterborough Farmer's Market - Saturdays
Belleville Farmer's Market - Thursdays

Monday, May 19, 2008

My BAD dogs

Shawdy has her issues. She always has. We got her when she was 2. We knew she was an escape artist, a piggy (we call her Shawdy-pottamus), a licker (Shawdy Licks-a-lot), and has a bad habit of killing and eating small animals. So lately she has been digging holes under the fence, and stretching the chain link fence big enough to escape. She waits until I am busy with the baby or baking, and then poof! She's gone. Gone for hours. I don't even bother looking for her anymore. So I always wondered what she was up to. I figured she was just hunting and gathering. A few days ago we took the baby up the street to look at a yard sale and thought we'd bring Shawds since she never gets "alone time" with us. We were stopped by a neighbour who proceeded to tell us how he knows Shawdy - that she visits him often and he feeds her bread. Great. Then another neighbour said that he'd seen her too. So naughty. Then on the weekend we went to the cottage with just Shawds and Thomas. Shawdy was sooo good. Thomas went missing and turned up an hour or two later in someone's van. He had started following a couple of joggers and went on a 4km run with them. They took him home and drove him back to where they first saw him, with the door open, hoping he would jump out when he saw his house. So naughty. It's time for boot camp for these dogs. And I call myself a dog trainer!

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