e: thedogsbreakfast@gmail.com
p: (705)761.7297

Peterborough Farmer's Market - Saturdays
Belleville Farmer's Market - Thursdays

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sophie the Giraffe

This is Sophie. She is the world's best chew toy for babies of the human variety. She is made of natural non-toxic rubber and every baby that I know LOVES their Sophie, including my human baby.

Problem is Sophie makes a "happy noise" when squeezed. This happy noise is a squeaker and it drives my puppies crazy, especially Joannie. Ever since we took Sophie out of the box, they have been mad about her - stealing her out of the diaper bag and any time she is dropped on the floor. Then they run downstairs and out the dog door and Sophie ends up muddy. Sophie cleans up well in the dishwasher, I should add. So now when I hear that familiar sound, I say to the baby "They've got Sophie, we must save her!" and outside we run to rescue Sophie. However, the puppies are very gentle with Sophie and don't want to kill her like they do other toys that they have stolen from baby - there was two bunnies that Grandma bought for her for Easter and they have since been stolen and had their eyes and stuffing ripped out. So I'm thinking that they would like their own Sophie. I might have to order another one. I'll keep you posted on how well Sophie does as a dog chew toy.

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